Carrington Wilder-Hosey is the new Miss Freshman for Alabama State University.
Miss Alabama State University Kayla Edwards crowned Wilder-Holsey, who is 18, on Aug. 25, 2023, during the Miss Freshman Pageant held in the Leila Barlow Theater. Wilder-Hosey beat out three other contestants, Jordyn Harris, Calandrea Carter, and Amiracle Green, for the title and will represent the university’s freshman class.

“I was anxious,” she said. “It was surreal. It seemed like a dream come true. All of my hard work as well as my team’s hard work paid off.”
All four contestants had to participate in four competitions, giving all four contestants a chance to strut their stuff in the talent competition, evening gown competition, spirit competition, and on-stage interview segments. During the evening gown and on-stage personality competition, each contestant was asked a question related to current events or a social issue.
The yearlong reign of the new Miss Freshman begins immediately. She will make public appearances at football games, do charity work, speak to community groups, plan and execute events for her class. Wilder-Hosey’s platform is Carrington CARES. The C stands for community, A stands for advocacy, R stands for resilience, E stands for equality and the S stands for service.
Pastor Tre Stewart and Tonya Scott Williams served as the master and mistress of ceremonies, while Elon Brown presented a riveting dance presentation between competitions. Faith Blackwell and Cahlil Mapson entertained the audience with a lovely duet.
Jordyn Harris said, “Carrington deserved the crown. It was a fair race.” She concluded, “I hope she lives up to everything she promises.”
After the pageant concluded, Carrington talked about her plans as Miss Freshman.
“The freshman class can expect for me to engage with them through job fairs, a slumber study, and an event where freshmen can learn more about organizations on campus.”