After years of absence due to a global pandemic, Alabama State University held an in-person honors convocation. Students, faculty, alumni and proud parents gathered in the Dunn-Oliver Acadome at 10 a.m. to witness students being honored for their academic achievement on April 19.
The keynote speaker, Jason Cable, who serves as the university’s director of Intercollegiate Athletics, presented a charge to the honor students.
“What we do today is important,” Cable said. “If your presence does not have a positive impact, then your absence will not be missed. Think about this. If your presence does not have a positive impact, then your absence will not be missed. Each and every day, you want to try to have a positive impact, what we exchange a day of our lives for. You want a return on your investment, and every day, you want to work in a way. You want to labor in a way each and every day that you are fulfilled.”
Cable used a bridge to help students understand the concept of endurance during this journey.
“This speaks directly to a bridge that we all have to cross,” he said. “That bridge is the bridge of endurance. You have to travel the bridge of endurance. So, you travel along the bridge of endurance. People will try to minimize you. I’m telling you what I know. You’re going to buy your first house. You know, they’re going to say that’s a nice little house, right? I don’t see the correlation between nice and look. This is a criticism and a compliment, all bundled into one. So you got to pay attention.”
Cable also helped students see what will happen once they board the bridge of endurance.
“You have to continue to travel the bridge of endurance,” Cable said. “So when people try to minimize you, when they try to marginalize you, God is going to maximize your output. We almost all missed the last one in order that we never regret the price we pay for. Ladies and gentlemen, today you will never regret the price he paid for today as we won. Adapt, learn and overcome. Continue to travel the road of endurance. Thank you so much for your time today. I love each and every one of y’all.”
The presentation of medals and certificates to honor students was given by Carl Pettis, Ph.D., provost and vice president for Academic Affairs.

“Never endeavor to regret your determination for success,” Pettis said. “It’s okay to be a nerd. Dr. Cable just spoke of it from the cradle to now, from the standpoint of the tee ball field to the board room. Embrace what it is that you have displayed thus far, and I’ll issue this as a challenge as we begin to honor you today. I want to see these faces.”
He continued.
“They’re going to change, but that’s going to be growing because of your matriculation. Because of the pouring into you from the faculty and staff, from those bonds to build with freedoms, those who are there. Uh, not for just your history, but for you. Consider the future. Your destiny. Your destiny. So I want to see you next year. Right here in this place. Bring a friend. Because they came as a team.”
The George H. Andrew’s Student-of-the-Year Award, presented by Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management Malinda Swoope, Ph.D., was given to ESaeLynn Cameron, junior forensic biology major and Golden Ambassador.
Cameron had no idea she would be presented with the award after coming to the event to work as a Golden Ambassador.
“I was sitting on the back two rows with the rest of the Golden Ambassadors, and I only knew it was me when they started naming all the organizations I was in,” Cameron said. “I was shocked when they said Golden Ambassador. I was like, ‘Okay, okay.’ Then they said, ‘Resident assistant.’ That took it down to the two of us. And then they said, my sorority. When they said Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc., I was like, ‘Oh my God, it’s me.’ So I was very excited. I think if you look at the convocation video, you can see my genuine reaction. I was really excited. I was very proud of myself.”
She continued.
“This definitely motivates me to keep being a great student. I think having that recognition gave me an extra boost, just knowing that I’m being seen on this campus for my achievements. It also gives me an opportunity to inspire more students to keep being great.”
President Quinton T. Ross Jr., Ed.D also spoke at the convocation, giving greetings to all in attendance.
“Today, we’re here to celebrate the academic achievements of our most precious resource, our students here. And we don’t take that lightly. And I want to thank the parents, the guardians, everyone who has poured into them to get them to this point. But I want to give a special thank you to our faculty and staff that work with them day in and day out to help them on those skills so that they can continue to be excellent in all things.”
Junior communications major Benjamin Ruffin felt that the program was ultimately good and impactful.
“The choir performed well, and the speaker was motivational,” Ruffin said. “It was nice to feel honored. And it gave me the motivation to keep striving for success.”
Chemistry major and graduating senior Ja’kala Turner attended the convocation as a STEM major.
“It was very nice,” Turner said. “The speaker was very inspirational. He gave a good message, and it was short and sweet. It’s important to have events like that for honor students to encourage students, and even for students who didn’t make the honors list, you know, just to encourage them to keep going. Keep doing your best thing and just be successful.”
Student Government Association President Landon Hale was also one of the students in the program who achieved a 4.0 GPA for the semester.
“I feel like the event was a great event,” Hale said. “It was the first time being in person in the last couple of years. It’s a way to actually recognize the scholars who put forth a lot of effort to see the successes of their work.”
He continued.
“The biggest way to keep someone going is by celebrating them. I feel like I’m a strong believer in that. So just really highlighting those students on the semester basis is something that is very unique that we do as a university.”