Donald Trump and the Black vote

Cullen H. Davis, Staff Columnist

It is fair to say that under Donald Trump’s presidency, racial tension has heightened. Clashes of ideologies and mindsets between African Americans and Caucasian communities have been rampant and racist viewpoints have been exposed like cuts underneath bandaids. Social media debates, protests, riots, and shifts of culture are just a few of the normalized responses we have seen to offset African American justice disparities. So, why is the race that is vigorously fighting for justice, also leading the charge to vote for another four years of disaster?

The most common reason for Pro-Trump African American votes is the shared idea of a business mindset. There is an immense wave of citizens with a mindset of looking out for only themselves. These particular individuals are focused on policies not aimed at the greater good of the community, race, or area, but only how they would benefit individually. A sense of personal feelings aside, business comes first, which perfectly falls in line under a president who regards himself as the “ultimate businessman.” The citizens with this mindset then become bees to honey with his lead to create policies focused on taxing the one percent, business owners, and more economic principles.

On the opposite note, several African American voters for Trump are not avid Trump supporters, but they are simply anti-Democratic. They believe that for years the Democratic Party has rested their heavy head easy knowing that the African American vote is safe in their hands to come election time. The attitude of “because we are black, we have to vote black” is being taken as an insult, and a growing number of citizens are trying to change this narrative.

Trump supporters argue this automatic black vote to the Democratic Party that has existed for years is failing them with continued trends of no change, no progress, and believe they are now “woke” by realizing this. They are now inclined to hearing both sides and both parties now more than ever, which further opens the door for Trump to gain more black supporters. This immense following ultimately birthed Trump’s famous phrase: “What do you have to lose?” Ultimately, the phrase alluded to African American voters taking a chance on him.

Up to this point, the rationale for the African American vote seems logical and understandable. Policies that favor their business, their money, or possibly a new change of direction in the government are what they look for and what Trump is claiming he will do. The problem that concerns me as to why so many in our community side with him is Trump’s mindset and his statements while in office. It is evident from Trump’s presidency alone that African Americans still have an uphill battle to confront in terms of equal treatment and justice both systematically and individually. This battle will not be won unless we unite together in steady strides with the same goal at the end.

With recent racially rooted events like the 2017 “Unite The Right” rally in Charleston, Va. to failing to denounce white supremacy on national television, to openly wishing to “Go back to the good ole’ days”, African American Trump supporters have made it clear that they will hold to their stance of profit overvalues. They are not concerned about the morals of a human being, the progress of the African American community, or the betterment of our society as a whole, but to make sure their next check is a bigger one. However, in this climate, one must remember the powerful words of Malcolm X: “A rich negro, is sill a negro.”