SGA AG Wilson keeps her board in check.
Symphony Wilson is the Student Government Association Attorney General. As attorney general, Wilson shall review the performance of each officer to ensure conformity with constitutional duties. She holds the right to call forth disciplinary actions.
September 25, 2021
Serving as the Attorney General of this academic year’s Level Up Administration is senior political science major Symphony Wilson. By holding a position, which is supervisory in nature, Wilson works tirelessly to ensure that this year’s Student Government Association Executive Board is held to the highest standard for the betterment of the student body. As she oversees how the administration’s actions align with the SGA Constitution, she keeps her fellow officials in check and en route.
“When they think about the mostly female administration, I want them to think, ‘They made changes amidst the pandemic,’” Wilson said. “That we were still able to enjoy what we could of college to the fullest.”
Section 16 of Alabama State University’s SGA Constitution explicitly states, “The Attorney General shall act as a prosecutor of the SGA to ensure that all statutes and Constitutional provisions…. The Attorney General shall review the performance of each officer, appointed or elected, to ensure conformity with constitutional duties.”
The job of the Attorney General is one fit for those strong in their morals and objectives. As Attorney General, Wilson has familiarized herself with the duties and powers of each official of the association and sees to it that they honor their role. In the event that one does not fulfill their constitutional obligations, she holds the right to call forth disciplinary actions.
“Like the President for example, she would give me her plans for the year and we would match it to The Constitution and I would basically ensure that she is following those guidelines,” explained Wilson. “I think that is the beauty of my role. I am ensuring that everyone sticks to what they signed up for.”
Wilson’s experience in various political and legal work environments is what she believes makes her a good fit for this position. Along with serving as the SGA senator for the 2020-21 academic year, she has spent the past three summers holding internships at the defense attorney’s office, along with roles on local level campaign teams in the metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia area. While she gained mass amounts of exposure from these roles, she also got the chance to strengthen her moral code in terms of public relations. It was that familiarity in the field of public policy that encouraged SGA President Gem Richardson to appoint Wilson to such an honorable role.
“I told her things that I did in those internships,” said Wilson. “How I had been able to step away due to my moral compass when an elected official was not doing well. I have a strong sense of right from wrong.”
As with any position, Wilson has been faced with a few obstacles. She expresses that her jovial nature and easygoing personality can sometimes get in the way of her purpose. With many of the SGA officials being dear friends of hers, she shares that it is sometimes difficult to be regarded as an authoritative figure.
“I am a little passive,” she said. “I am a little goofy and in a group I am the one making everybody laugh. But now that I am in a position of authority I am trying to get them to take me seriously. It is all about respect.”
The professionalism and objectivity of the association allows for this issue to be quickly fixed. As Wilson’s work speaks for itself, she reassures that her genuity and commitment to the mission evokes respect and productivity from her counterparts.
“I put 100 percent in everything I do, big or small,” Wilson said. “Nothing I do comes from malice. If I do say something stern or have something to discuss, they can take it out of love. We are all trying to better each other and the institution.”
Motivating her to fulfill such a hardy position is her drive for the triumph of the Next Level Administration and university as a whole. With this being the first predominantly female SGA administration in 19 years, she wishes for the association to be regarded as nothing less than great.
“I just want to ensure the success of our administration,” Wilson said. “I want this to be like no other. ASU is an amazing school, and it is up to the students to make the experience what it is… We are doing this out of the genuine love for our university.”
The role of the Attorney General is not one to be taken lightly, but Wilson accepts the challenge fearlessly. As the year unfolds, the remaining officials of the Level Up Administration, along with all of Hornet Nation, will be sure to support her every step of the way.