Walmart Shuttle Act to go into effect this fall

The Student Government Association is finalizing the Walmart Shuttle Act that was initiated under the leadership of the No Limit administration last year. The act provides for transportation for students who may not have transportation to travel to Walmart.

Micah Sanders, Editor-In-Chief

Previously passed by the 2020-21 No Limit administration, under the leadership of Student Body President David Hammond, the Walmart Shuttle Act, and the Printer Station Act will finally be implemented starting early fall semester by the 2021-22 Next Level administration under the new leadership of SGA President Gem Richardson.

The Walmart Shuttle Act will provide free transportation to Walmart and East Chase mall for those students who need it. The shuttle will operate weekly and students can shop for up to 90 minutes. 

The vehicles transporting students will vary, depending on the number of participants. For a large number of students, the shuttle will be a bus.  For a smaller number, the shuttle will be a van.

According to Richardson, the Walmart Shuttle Act looks to be fully functional during the first or second week of classes.

“I think this is a fantastic idea!” junior biology pre-med major Jessica Wilcox exclaimed. “Since [driver services] surrounding the Montgomery area stopped servicing us, I barely had a way to get around, so this will help greatly.” 

Richardson and members of her administration are currently still in the decision-making process in terms of scheduling. However, the transportation system will consist of various dates and times to allow the majority of the student population to use the provided resource. 

“So we are really thinking about wanting it to run on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays,” Richardson explained.  “Definitely Tuesdays and Thursdays because, you know, from that 11-1 p.m. period on Tuesdays and Thursdays, there are no classes. That is just the lunch period or free period for some students.” 

 The Student Senate originally passed the Walmart Shuttle Act and Printer Station Act in February 2021 but were placed on hold due to COVID-19 restrictions.

The acts were initially presented to the Senate on Friday, November 22, 2019, and written by former senator-at-large Dax Craig. 

Still in development, students will soon be able to print from their residence halls and the student union with the Printer Station Act.

“The Next Level Administration will push forward with David Hammond and the No Limit Administration’s printer station initiative,” Richardson said. “The stations are in the final stages of completion as they are already set up within the residence halls, and the locations for the student center are being finalized.” 

For sophomore theatre major Jaquarius Easley, these acts are a “blessing.” 

“Having to constantly call my friends to take me to the local library or to Walmart was very exhausting,” Easley said. “With these initiatives, I will be able to get my necessities without always bothering my friends and paying them gas money. This is really great, and whoever thought of this truly cared for the students at ASU.”