Connor hopes to cultivate a larger budget for SGA
Tre’von Conner is the only candidate running for the position of SGA Executive Treasurer. He believes that if he is elected, it is his job as the executive treasurer to ensure that the students keep the mentality that they can believe in Alabama State University
April 2, 2022
Tre’von Conner is a sophomore finance major from Mobile, Alabama. He is running for the position of SGA treasurer for the 2022-23 school year. Conner is a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. This past year he was a member of the SGA senate, Mr. Collegiate 100, the marching band, and the NAACP. He was also featured on the Scholars Bowl team as well.
Q: What made you want to run for Treasurer?
A: “I want to run for Treasurer because I feel like there’s a lot of unlocked potential here at ASU. Of course, I believe the biggest way to make that impact would be to get on the eboard for SGA.”
Q: What potential do you think you would be able to tap into during your term?
A: “The biggest thing would be to create a better connection between administration and the student body and make sure that everyone is on one accord. Then we could plan bigger events and naturally have more Bama State spirit.”
Q: What happens if the funds in the budget are not used within the physical year?
A: “I can speak from a semester standpoint. The way our budget is set up currently, we have a budget for the fall semester for certain categories such as residential assistants and SGA travel. If those funds are either underutilized or used for that semester, they roll over into the next semester. When they roll over in the next semester, you could either reallocate those into different budget lines. For example, let’s say those funds that were underutilized that we had appropriated for different clubs and organizations on campus, that extra money from the Spring semester can go towards other things like SGA meetings.”
Q: In your opinion, what’s the best way to raise funds for the SGA?
A: “I think the best way to raise funds for the SGA at the moment is to take advantage of the lifted COVID restrictions. I know personally, I came in fall 2020 and that year the campus was pretty barren. There were not a lot of people, especially compared to this year. In terms of events, there were not that many. Football games did not start until the spring, and even then, it was a shortened season. We have a lot of students at Alabama State University that provide great energy. Everywhere you go, there is bound to be some type of activity on campus. I think that we could just use SGA as that catalyst to make it an even bigger event and use those events as a fundraiser.”
Q: How do you plan on helping other organizations as Treasurer?
A: “In terms of helping other organizations, I would like to create a larger budget line that will be allocated to different parts of organizations upon request. I would also like to make the process of requesting those funds from the SGA easier.”

job as the executive treasurer to ensure that the students keep the mentality that they can believe in Alabama State University. (Esaelynn Cameron)
Q: What does the current process look like for organizations to receive those funds?
A: “Currently, in order to request funds from the SGA, you have to contact our Treasurer, who will then reach out to our Vice President, and that will be added to the Senate agenda. Unfortunately, this year we have not had many Senate meetings. Therefore we could not approve of the release of some SGA funds. I am confident that candidate [Dylan] Stallworth will have ample opportunity to request those funds.
Q: What progress are you trying to make with the current process of receiving funds for organizations?
A: “I plan on making it more digital. I will initially reach out to those organizations instead of them coming to me as the SGA Treasurer. I will email the heads of the organizations, like the president of the NAACP. I will send out a mass email saying, ‘Hey, this is how we are going to do the process of requesting funds. The next Senate meeting will be on this date. Fill out this Google Document, and it will be added to the agenda. You come to plead your case among the Senate, and then you’ll be approved for funds.’”
Q: What are your thoughts on the current culture at Alabama State University?
A: “I believe the campus has a lot of untapped potential. As far as the current culture, it is not what it should be at this point. I feel like you can believe in ASU at any time, but then there are times when you just do not believe in ASU. My job as the Treasurer is to make sure that our students keep that same mentality that they can believe in Alabama State University.”
Q: What is your approach to this position especially given the inevitably of you being elected?
A: “I’m looking forward to this position. I’m looking forward to starting a scholarship fund out of the SGA budget this year that will be given out every month. I also look forward to better helping organization leaders around campus be able to pitch their needs for funds from the SGA budget so that we could better donate them.”
Q: What are your biggest strengths and weaknesses? How will they affect your ability to do this job?
A: “I would say my biggest strength would be experience. As a finance major, I’ve interned at a couple of fortune 500 companies and last year I was a member of the SGA senate, so I have a good legislative background as well as budgeting skills. My biggest weakness, of course, is that I haven’t been in this role before, so some things will take time, and there will be a learning curve, but I believe I have the discipline to do so.”
Q: What are some of the things that you see in the current Treasure position that you would want to change during your term?
A: “First things first, I want to say that the current Treasurer has done an excellent job of connecting with the students and things of that nature. I want to keep up that precedent of being connected with the student body, being in the know, and making sure that the students know what’s going on. One thing that I think can change is SGA working more closely with other organizations around campus in terms of funding and making sure they have the funds to put on events to the fullest potential.”
Q: Why do you believe you are the right person for this position?
A: “I believe I am the right person for this position, because to be a Treasurer, you have to be very analytical in your thinking as well as very practical in your application of certain things. I believe that I can get these things done both quickly and efficiently.”
Q: Can you give a little more information about what you have done at your internships and how that will translate to what you would be doing as Treasurer?
A: “I did have an SGA position last year. I was the College of Business Senator. As far as internships, last year, I was working with a ‘Big Four’ accounting firm by the name of KP & G. I went over some extensive training with them in the summer in terms of financial statements and using Excel to the best of my ability and things of that nature. A couple of weeks ago, I had a training session with Morgan Stanley in terms of funding.”
Q: What is your comfort level working with a team and are there some things that you feel like you are going to have to get used to in a team environment?
A: “Usually, I don’t have many problems working with a team. I’ll usually assume any role that is necessary for me to make sure the task is done well. Luckily I know everyone that is running for their positions from years before, like Jeremi and Dylan. I’ve known Dylan since high school and Jeremi since my freshman year here, the same for Hope and Trent. So I’m already familiar with the people running. That shouldn’t be an issue.”
Q: How exactly do you plan to improve the relationship between the SGA and the students?
A: “In terms of connecting with the student body, I feel like there is somewhat of a veil between SGA and the student body right now and I just want to work on lifting that. I want to make sure it’s not my personal interests represented to the administration, but my interests are the student’s interests. Whatever the students say, I say. By the end of my term, I hope to make sure that culture is spread out throughout the eboard and SGA as a whole.
Q: Do you think your relationships with everybody that is running could potentially compromise your ability to do your job as Treasurer?
A: “No, if anything, they should help me.”
Q: What are some concrete things you want to see accomplished before leaving office?
A: “As Treasurer, besides the bi-weekly scholarship fund for students. That would be the major plan I have to work on implementing within the SGA budget. Of course, I want a much larger allotment for the homecoming concerts and things of that nature. Really I just want to give back to students, which is the point of working more closely with other organizations. Just making it easier for them to request funds from the SGA because we have so many compared to other organizations.”
Q: Any final words about you and what you bring to the table?
A: “I’m really looking forward to working with the student body. In terms of things I bring to the table, I want to bring money back to the students. That’s my main priority.”