Does the average ASU student vote regularly?


Staff Report, The Hornet Tribune

Voting is a right offered to every American born citizen within the United States. This privilege, earned through the sacrifice of our country’s ancestors both black and white, however is often taken for granted.
Less than half of the population participates in the quadrennial election and those numbers dwindle steadily as the elections become more local. Often voting is the only connection for disadvantaged people to the political arena. Voting is more important than ever, and should be taken extremely seriously.
Voting is honorable to those who passed for the privilege. Throughout America’s history, its forefathers have demanded that their concerns and woes be addressed with tact and urgency.
Numerous people have lost their lives to ensure that all have an equal opportunity to vote and express themselves without challenge. The Voting Rights Act, which enabled all minorities the right to vote was passed in 1965 – only a 57 years ago. The right to vote is one that should not be taken lightly, considering how it can change the circumstances of those within an electorate drastically.
It is not a time to joke by writing in the name of popular internet memes or TV show characters. Instead, it is the perfect opportunity to be informed on the candidates and their values and choose wisely the best fit for the job.
Exercising the right to vote is also a method of accountability. Those elected by the vote of the people are expected to uphold the promises made during their campaign cycle.
If at the end of their term, the people are not satisfied with their work, they can choose to elect someone else who they feel might better address the issues they value. Knowing that the members of their electorate are attentive should encourage them to do what is in the best interest of their district. Failure to do so could ultimately cost them the support of their people and their position.
Voting is the American people’s direct access point to politics. Although the legislature and House of Representatives, both federally and locally, are closed to votes from the public, electing the officials who become a part of these legislative bodies creates a way for the personal agenda of the community to be enacted.
This process was created to ensure the representation of all parties within the United States – failure to vote creates a false picture of what the group values and therefore, is counteractive. Choosing to cast a ballot outlines what you feel is important and without the participation of everyone who is able, the results are skewed.
The election season is an opportunity to initiate change. Not using this opportunity to emphasize the policies the community wants to see implemented is harmful; the elected are expected to represent the whole. Voting is the voice of the people and is the time for the population to express the various concerns with policy and administration so that their experience might improve. It is a time not to be taken for granted or ignored.
Midterm elections were held on November 8th. Did you exercise your right?