Crowder named AVP for Student Affairs


Sabrina Crowder, D.M., was recently named the assistant vice president for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management. focus on student development and engagement areas within the campus.

Kendal Manns, Editor-in-Chief

Alabama State University announced April 1, that Sabrina Crowder, current director of Career Services, would be taking another position as the assistant vice president of Student Affairs, Student Development and Engagement.
In her new role Crowder is under the leadership of career services, student life, judicial affairs, Title IX, gaming area (in the John Garrick Hardy Center) and those that work in the gaming area. With student development, she plans to use a lot of student engagement to make things fun while also developing students into “good citizens of the world.”
Crowder, who has worked at the university since Feb. 2021, is excited for her new position and feels it gives her an opportunity to make a positive impact.
“I understand the student development and the engagement part to be able to have a positive impact in judicial affairs, student life and career services,” she said. “I think bringing those together on the one individual to help guide the student body in a positive way is big.”
Judicial affairs is a big point of improvement for Crowder as well. She seeks to spread awareness of what type of professional behavior is expected on campus. Changing the stigma around judicial affairs is of the utmost importance to her.
“These things are not in place to make your college experience negative in any way, but to make your college experience actually more positive and safe and also prepare you for the real world,” she said. “Cause out in the real world, everywhere you go, there’s rules and regulations.”
She believes her time as director of Career Services will be a tremendous help to her as she embarks on this new challenge, especially when it comes to making things interesting and fun for students much like she has done with career fairs.
“So that’s, you know, knowing how to put together professional experiences and mixing them in with a more engaging, fun piece is still preparing you to be a career professional,” Crowder said. “So that’s what I think that is a piece from the director of career services, because I have to figure out how to make career services fun too. You know, y’all don’t want to do your resumes, you don’t want to do mock interviews. So I have to be very engaging, very personal, smiling, giving great customer service, and telling y’all something that’s considered very boring.”
Moving forward, Crowder has three main goals in her new position: to put visibility on each of her departments, set high standards and excellence across campus and make sure students enjoy their college experience.
Visibility will help with student engagement and knowledge about certain areas on campus they need to implement into their student life. The high standards of excellence start with more positive programming, which spreads to more engagement, professional dress and professional conversations. When students enjoy their experience at Alabama State University they will talk more highly about the institution and are more likely to give back to the National Alumni Association.
Crowder believes that her experience, knowledge and optimism will be key in her success in her new role. Her message to the student body is simple and has been consistent throughout her tenure at the university.
“I am here to serve,” she says.