The Hive is a rebrand of Alabama State University’s former modeling group Elite.
The Hive was founded in 2021, and they released their first line, of which, only one member of that line still resides within the organization.
The organization’s main two colors are orange and black, and their hand sign is their middle and ring finger touch the thumb.
Last semester, they were in a fashion show with the amazing Kash Howard. They had one show of their own, and they had a line to cross in the cafeteria and recently walked in a talent show. They are still working on growing and developing their organization.
The Hive embodies a warm and friendly environment for anyone who is interested in modeling. The organization welcomes all shapes, sizes and different personalities.
Whether a students wants to model or potentially be a designer, all things fashion related are welcomed into this organization.
The president of The Hive, Khadijah Joseph, a senior early childhood education major, said, “We welcome anyone who wants to bring anything new, try modeling, like fashion, or anything centered around the fashion scene.” Any student should consider joining The Hive if any of those ideas apply.
Many of the current members of The Hive believe that the organization helps them boost their confidence. There are some who deal with anxiety, stage fright, and other things that may hinder their ability to step out and be confident within themselves on a regular day.
The Hive allows students to express themselves, but it can also help a student with personal problems that one might encounter. Participation could be an amazing way to boost students’ egos and make them feel better about themselves especially with this generation’s high mental illness rate.
Every year a Mr. and Miss are chosen. This year the two people currently holding those titles are Ahmari Parrish, a senior graphic design major, and Jada McKee, a sophomore marketing major.
“I was extremely happy to win,” McKee said. “The Hive has helped me because even though I have a social presence online, I have struggled with making connections in real life. The Hive is helping me to be better at being social.”
Parrish’s thoughts were similar.
“I’m happy to win the title, and I’d like to believe that I’m serving my title well.”
According to members of The Hive, they both have had an amazing reign so far with a really good chemistry with each other.
So far, The Hive has spent a lot of money on school events as far as matching is concerned. They typically color code instead of being cohesive with a single theme. However, they do have individual styles and are given the chance to express themselves at every event. When designers are not making their clothes, The Hive goes thrifting and purchases their clothes online.
If a student asks them where they purchased their clothes from, they will most likely tell them. Having a unique style makes them stick out like a sore thumb and catches everyone’s eyes on campus.
The Hive has opened doors for newer models to have real life experience, sending most of their models last semester to model for Kashion Howard. Some of their models were sent to Los Angeles during Fashion Week over the summer.
The Hive will give a student the experience he or she needs to be able to get paid, for doing what he or she may love to do. They are currently networking more and more to make sure that they have a lot more opportunities in the future.
One may never know where The Hive may take them. A student may potentially end up being the world’s next top supermodel.
The Hive is open to new designers.
“I, myself, am a designer, and I enjoy making clothes,” Parrish said. “If you would like to see my designs stay tuned with The Hive.”
If a student is interested in sewing, members of The Hive are not against teaching a student how to sew.
Even if a student is not amazing at putting an outfit together, members of The Hive will help that student learn how to style and dress himself or herself.
One of the noticeable factors of The Hive is how they treat each other. They behave as if they are siblings, and all knowledge passed on to their members.
A student may learn how to sew, style and make outfits out of everyday items if he or she asks the right questions and meet the right people inside the organization.