Hammond delivers the State of Association Address


SGA President David Hammond updates the student body regarding transportation to Walmart.

Micah Sanders, Managing Editor for Editorial Operations

Student Body President David Hammond delivered his first Student Government Association State of Association Address for the spring semester on Feb. 25 through Instagram Live at 7 p.m.

Since Hammond’s tenure as SGA president, every executive board member created tangible goals to aid the student body.  From the Printer Program to the Walmart Shuttle Act, nearly two-thirds of Hammond’s set initiatives have been completed and implemented with his team’s help, while others are still a work in progress. 

“For the Printer Program, all printers have been placed in their respective residence halls. One will be in each residence hall, and two will be placed in the Student Union. With the help of the SGA Treasurer Jeremi Moore, the printers should be up and running before our tenure is complete.”

Along with the Printer Program, SGA was able to establish the customer service survey fully.  The administration will now have access to accurate information on the student experience in each university office. 

The Walmart Shuttle Act will soon be successfully implemented due to the newly leased ASU customized buses, free of charge. 

“This program will use the new transportation vehicles to shuttle students not only to Walmart but Eastdale Mall and East Chase Mall. This service will be free for all students.” Hammond explained. He continues, “We want to thank Tyler Rice, as well as former Chief of Staff, Dax Craig, for having the mindset and vision on this initiative.”

He continues.

“As members of the student body, you can all clearly observe that our administration has a lot of ambition. We will continue to work effectively and efficiently to achieve the goals we set for ourselves,” Hammond stated. “We need your support as members of the student body to certify a successful year. Give your 100 percent for the remainder of the year. Keep your goals and aspirations in mind, and you will never sway in the journey God has for you.”

Since Instagram can replay live streams, Hammond assured everyone who attended the event that it will be accessible to them after the address concluded via @bamastate__sga. 

Hammond began his speech with welcoming remarks along with thanking his fellow SGA members for assisting him with this event. He also stressed the importance of following COVID-19 protocols so everyone on campus can have a great and safe learning experience. 

“We want to continue to function as a safe campus, and doing so comes with accountability and responsibility. First, I would like to commend our wonderful student body for adhering to the COVID-19 guidelines to ensure the safety of Ole Mother Dear,” Hammond stated. “We must continue to adhere to these set rules; so, as always, I would like to start by reiterating that we are a mask mandatory campus.” He continues to push the message of being hornet strong while living during a pandemic.