SGA Treasurer Candidate: Myles Grant

Sophomore Myles Grant Runs for SGA Treasurer on the Platform “Legacy Over Currency”

Camille Zanders, Alumni Connection Editor

In the upcoming Student Government Association office elections, the students of Alabama State University are faced with electing the most worthy candidates for a number of positions, one position being the treasurer. According to Merriam-Webster, the definition of a treasurer is, “an officer entrusted with the receipt, care, and disbursement of funds.” Running against two others for this position is sophomore accounting major, Myles Grant, who hopes to entice the student body with the witty campaign slogan, “Legacy Over Currency.”  By utilizing “currency,” as in money, in place of  “current,” as in the present time, Grant stresses the importance that the proper handling of the school’s finances has, not only on the Hornets of today but also on the future of the Hornet’s Nest.

“I am a big person on legacy and what you leave behind you,” expresses Grant. “The legacy that we will leave at Alabama State is better than the current that we see today.”

Originally from Pittsburg, California, Grant grew up as part of a twin pair to his parents, Tracy and Markus Grant. As a child, he enjoyed watching and playing various sports, with his favorite being football. He attended Pittsburg High School where he got his first experiences as an elected officeholder. While in high school, Grant not only served as the vice president of the Black student union but also worked tirelessly with the school’s college and career services. Remembering the position he says, “I helped my fellow peers get into college, get scholarships, get involved in the community, and things of that nature.”

Upon graduating from Pittsburg High School in 2019, Grant decided to enroll at ASU after learning about the many academic opportunities that the university had to offer. From his enrollment process, he developed strong connections with some of the Hornet administrators and was granted a number of scholarship opportunities which only solidified his role at the nest.

Grant currently studies accounting with a focus on business administration. Encouraged by his longtime love for sports, he hopes to build his career in the sports entertainment industry. He shares, “When I graduate, my goal is to work with the National Football League in the lead office as an accountant, so I am focusing on financials in the aspects of sports.”

Leading up to the election, Grant has established a strong platform for himself through his involvement with many on-campus organizations. He is a proud member of the university’s street team, a residential assistant in George N. Card Hall, and currently serves as the co-chair of SGA’s campus safety committee. “We come up with events and ways to better the safety of students and faculty while on our campus,” he comments in regard to his role with SGA. In this position, not only does he promote campus unity and security, but also experiences the workings and mechanisms of ASU’s SGA firsthand.

Claiming that SGA, and the university as a whole, have failed to reach their full potential, Grant believes he is the new addition needed to do so. “I see that there are things that we can do to make our university better and increase our student retention rate,” he expresses. As he yearns for the growth of the Hornet population, and therefore the school, Grant is adamant that the key to such a legacy is to elect a treasurer that genuinely listens to and considers the needs of their students. While he urges for the progression of the university, he knows that that is only possible through the happiness and prosperity of the student population. “At the end of the day, my motivation is the student body.”

If he were to be elected, Grant plans to initially tackle issues that would immediately improve the student experience, the first being improving the living conditions of the residence halls. “Our residence halls are not the best that you would see throughout the Historically Black Colleges and Universities,” he claims. “I would like to work alongside housing and improve the halls and see what the students would like.” One renovation he hopes to swiftly enact would be of the dormitory laundry systems. From his own struggles and observing the complaints of his residents of Card Hall, he proposes to either increase the number of washers and dryers or to lower their usage prices. Speaking from his experience as a RA, he says, “I work day to day with students and I see what they go through, so I see what they need and what they do not need.”

He also wishes to reduce the prices and confusion behind many of the mandatory fees charged on students’ accounts. “I want to work on the university’s unnecessary student fees, I hope to either eliminate them or be more transparent with the students so they understand what the fees are for.” Knowing that these quick fixes would set the tone for student satisfaction, Grant believes that satisfaction would lead to university progression, and ultimately result in a flourishing and lasting legacy.

If elected as treasurer, he holds the long-term goals of creating more opportunities to provide funds back to the students. Grant explains, “I want to work on a 20-hour work-study contract for our residence assistants and I want to open more scholarships between students and alumni.” Considering all lasting relationships are just a constant exchange of give-and-take, he believes that establishing more ways to provide funds and opportunity to the student population will strengthen the bond between the students and faculty.

He says, “At the end of the day, to increase student retention rates, students want to be in good dorms to feel like they are somewhat at home. And students need scholarships to encourage enrollment. So those are two things that I would like to give back to the student body.”

Though he already has a list of tasks to tackle as treasurer, his most urgent is to improve the communication between the students and administration. Grant says, “There are a lot of things that I would like to do but the main thing is being transparent.” Considering SGA is an organization meant to bridge the gap between students and administration, he stresses the importance of quick, yet candid, communication. “When things happen at the university currently, the students either are rarely told about it or the announcement is delayed. When I say being transparent, I mean letting people know firsthand what is going on, so that means sending out an email as soon as something happens, or even just quick message updates.”

Also running for treasurer are sophomores DaVonte Watson and Jeremi Moore. Though Moore currently serves as the SGA treasurer, Grant is confident that his work as an RA for the younger students gives him an upper edge, as he gets to witness the future of the university directly. Grant says, “Working in the residence hall, with freshmen, lets me see firsthand what the students need. Also, because of my work with housing, I get to see what happens behind the scenes. Therefore, I know how the university works and what changes should be made.” While he hopes to serve all students, he believes the future lies within the freshman and hopes to progress the university alongside its maturing students. To assist in catering to the freshman population and perspective, is Grant’s campaign manager, freshman Jeremy Ballard.

Ultimately, Grant hopes to promote a sense of togetherness through his work. Acknowledging that ASU is more than a university with staff and students, but instead a loving family and community, he knows that growth is not possible without unity. “We are going to get through this together,” he affirms. “It is not just SGA working but the student body as a whole. We will maneuver through this college experience together.”  He believes that there is no hardship that the Hornet Nation cannot overcome through the support, respect, and love that the campus holds.